Estimada familia: Con este blog podemos repasar inglés y ART durante el curso. También existen entradas de cursos anteriores que pueden resultar de su interés.
17 diciembre 2020
How to Make a Christmas Cracker
16 diciembre 2020
15 diciembre 2020
10 diciembre 2020
07 diciembre 2020
Christmas tree salt.
This is your craft for Christmas . Year 6
– White cardboard.
– Liquid watercolors .
– Table salt.
– White glue ( the best for tracing has a small nozzle ).
– Paintbrush.
– A little bit of water.
- A tray.
Steps for salt painting :
1. First print off the template or draw your own Christmas tree.
2. Begin by tracing the Christmas tree with your glue. If the nozzle at the top is small, less glue will come out.
Don’t worry about some black showing through when you trace with the glue. Once you add the salt on top the black will not be noticeable.
3. Now the fun part! Sprinkle on your salt. When you’re done, you can shake off the excess salt and store again for another salt craft.
Tip: Pour lots of salt over your Christmas tree to ensure you coat all of the glue. If you miss a spot then the colour won’t run over that part.
4. Now you can begin to paint with your watercolors!
Don’t dilute it with too much water to keep the colors vibrant.
5. Once you’re done the salt painting, you can decorate your tree.
Add some confetti ornaments or sequins to the tree. You also can add a gold glitter star to the top.
White Christmas .
There is / there are
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