20 febrero 2021

PROJECT 2 : Kandinsky Style Hearts for Saint Valentine .

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This is for YEAR 6

1.- Watch the power point HERE and answer to the questions in your notebooks.

-Where was kandinsky from?
-What was his first job?
-How old was he when he started to study Art?
-What is the style of his Art called?
- Name three of his famous paintings .
-Name three warm colours and three cool colours.
- What is abstract Art?

Now you can be creative using crayons and watercolours. 
You can draw different shapes , not only hearts.

Multiple choice test Unit 4 . Year 6

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Try again ! You have two opportunities !!!

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NEW Código de sexto A : 85354 

NEW Código de sexto B :31786

10 febrero 2021

Gramática Inglés: Pasado Simple YEAR 6

This is to review and learn more about the past in the regular(-ed) And irregular ( Change the word) verbs .