09 octubre 2020

Check your activities.

 Hello, students of 6 th A.

How are you ? I hope you are all fine ! 

Today, Friday 8TH October,  you have to check your notebooks . Remember we learn from mistakes , too.

These are the correct answers:

1.- Daisy and her friends live in London. 
2.- You can see their blogs on the school website.
3.- Daisy writes her blog every week.
4.- Joel is lucky because his house has got a garden.
5.- Juventus played against Arsenal last year.
6.- No , she doesn`t. She uses her camera  to take photos.

These activities are on your activity books :

Number 3 will be checked at school .

Advice : consejo.
Es interesante que escribas respuesta largas en sexto nivel . Mejorará tu comprensión lectora.

Corrige bien el cuaderno y recuerda normas de libreta:

-Fecha en rojo.
-Uso de mayúsculas .
-Copias pregunta en azul y respuesta con lápiz. Al corregir debe estar bien sin errores. Borra , corrige y pon un tick que quiere decir correcto y revisado.


Now , study your oral interaction number two for next week about internet ! See you soon, kisses!!!

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